Measures to mitigate information pollution
Information is one of the most important and indisputable
forces of our time. However, gaining this power is very difficult for many
reasons. For example, you cannot receive and use information for satiation of
certain needs and requirements or effectively access it to meet your needs.
Those who can handle limited information face certain problems such as information overload and other related complications
be them – psychological, physiological or others. As a result, they are exposed to information pollution, given the
role of individuals in this generation and dissemination of information, it may
also be effective to understand the concept of information pollution. The
general purpose of this study is to understand the individual's
contribution to information pollution. The specific purpose of
this article is to identify the main criteria that guide people who use social
media effectively to believe in the accuracy of the information they share, as well as the
driving force behind disclosing the above information to others.
Digital world is on the verge of an important environmental
crisis not only with information increase, but also information pollution.
Especially, the fact that the new generation, which can use technology as of
very early ages, face with pollution elements like “violent video games, cyber
bullying, explicit/dangerous contents, viral rumors, technology addiction,
privacy invasion” show that this crisis can reach to significant levels. Beside
these elements of pollution, in case no consciousness is gained concerning
information sharing, it is possible to say that below problems is waiting the
information society if we consider the speed of technological development:
Transformation of information access process into a drowning version because of
intensified feeling of information overload
Transition from weak decision-makers to weaker decision-makers
The problem of dealing with expanding and strong information anxiety
Decrease in taking the responsibility of shared information as generations
Inability to cope with the pollution in the amount of daily obtained
information. Information society should already take certain measures to
struggle with “digital environmental pollution”.
Some suggestions: -
Creating awareness for new generation pollution elements and teaching coping
Guiding the new generation not only about risky attitude and behavior types in
their social lives, but also about the methods concerning digital world on
which they socialize.
Constituting a powerful ethical perception for digital world.
Designing systems which contain proactive regulation approaches.
Therefore, in view of the above information, it is necessary
to establish new course contents which are to be developed to support mere
producer roles of the new generation and beside curriculum alterations, the
consciousness of “information producing, sharing and accessing to the right
information” should be given. This way, presenting an environment to other
generations which will get benefited from more healthily can be contemplated
Authored By -
Al Farhaan Hasan
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